For some people, the transition to a green job involves moving to the non-profit sector. This new article talk to two people in mid/later life who did just that:
In the quest to rethink and reimagine the second half of life, growing numbers of professionals, white-collar workers and highly skilled trade people are making the transition to the nonprofit sector. And they’re often delighted about it.
I talked to two of them recently about this — Donna Svendsen and Dean Kephart of the Twin Cities in Minnesota — and just read a terrific, personal book on the subject by another, Lucy Kellaway.
Like others switching from the corporate to the nonprofit world in their 50s and 60s, they’re using their accumulated skills and knowledge, have sufficient financial resources to consider a lower paying encore career and are healthy.
I thought I’d share their insights about why they’ve made their transitions, how they’ve done them and advice they have for others considering making similar moves. Read the full article at Next Avenue.