Green jobs and climate activism is typically framed by the media as a young person’s thing, to the point of creating needless inter-generational hostility. This new article explores how age diversity is a bonus when it comes to sustainability:
On September 1, author and climate activist Bill McKibben announced that he’s launching Third Act to get more older Americans involved in climate activism.
That’s good news. Too much responsibility has fallen on young people to lead the charge in demanding more swift action to avoid a climate crisis. But what’s truly needed is not only increased engagement from older adults, but more intergenerational collaboration.
Here’s a story about a multigenerational team working in the climate change space that inspires me. Unlike traditional consulting companies that tend to be very hierarchical, PGS Consults sees age diversity and varied subject area expertise as an asset when advising organizations of all sizes on how to become more socially and environmentally responsible. Read the full article on Encore.