A useful learning and networking opportunity for anyone interested in sustainable supply chains: the Building circular supply chains free webinar on June 16:
In the discourse of building a circular economy, circular design and circular business models are often the focus of the conversation. But are we actually capable of managing the reverse flow of materials which we have sold or rented out across the globe? What regulations and quality considerations do we have to consider for used devices and materials? What kind of operations do we need to have in place for refurbishment and parts recovery, and where to locate these?
A circular supply chain is a key enabler for successful deployment of circular business. At Philips, we already offer trade-in with responsible reprocessing for large medical equipment globally, and it is our objective to expand these activities to all medical equipment by 2025. Philips Engineering Solutions supports our business units to develop and build circular supply chains in circular economy projects and programs.
To make the most of this and similar online events, be sure to read our article, How to leverage online industry events for your transition to a green job.