A useful learning and networking opportunity for anyone interested in climate tech: the RACE Spotlight Event free webinar on July 6.
The RACE programme is an EIT Climate-KIC and the European Innovation Council (EIC) initiative funded by the Horizon 2020 programme which seeks to support entrepreneurial pioneer innovation communities.
Our purpose is to enhance Europe’s innovation portfolios that support European Green Deal goals.
With RACE, we provide innovators with a dedicated service to improve their business readiness levels through tailored entrepreneurship training, peer-to-peer learning, coaching and mentoring opportunities, as well as access to EIT Climate-KIC networks.
At this event three teams will showcase their innovations to investors, partners and potential collaborators:
NoPest, a research consortium coordinated by the University of Milano that is developing a safe and environmentally friendly alternative to pesticides using engineered peptides;
eMAGIC, a collaboration project coordinated by CIDETEC in Spain developing a new battery system based on abundant magnesium rather than on scarce lithium;
ALICE, a system conceived at the University of Southampton in UK that aims to exploit special microbes to convert human urine into electricity.
To make the most of this and similar online events, be sure to read our article, How to leverage online industry events for your transition to a green job.