A useful learning and networking opportunity for anyone interested in renewable energy: the Heat is Power & Clean Energy Business Network & LDES Council – Net-Zero Heat free webinar on July 7.
We are pleased to announce our upcoming webinar on “Net Zero Heat: Decarbonization and the Role for Thermal Storage and Waste Heat to Power (WHP) Technology” hosted by the Long Duration Energy Storage (LDES) Council with McKinsey & Company as knowledge partner of the Council, along with co-hosts the Heat is Power Association (HiP) & Clean Energy Business Network.
LDES and HiP will discuss how thermal storage and the range of waste heat to power (WHP) technologies can effectively decarbonize buildings and the industrial process. The webinar will share early modeling insights on the impact of thermal flexibility on the energy system and a recent ICF study comparing the emissions profile of WHP to wind and solar.
– Petra Smeltzer, Heat is Power Association
– Marco Frassinetti, Exergy
– Tim Heldt, Echogen
– Kevin Kirkeby, Electratherm
– Julia Souder, Long Duration Energy Storage Council
To make the most of this and similar online events, be sure to read our article, How to leverage online industry events for your transition to a green job.