An interesting learning and networking opportunity for anyone interested in climate finance: the TECA Expeditions Part 5: Opportunities in insuring natural assets free webinar on July 18.
Insuretech is an active and growing part of the fintech landscape, providing more forms of cover to people around the world. But can a natural asset like a coral reef or a mangrove swamp be insured against damage? A TNC report provided guidance about how to do this; and followed through with the world’s first insurance scheme for coral reefs in part of Mexico in 2019. In this Expedition, we will meet with the person behind this scheme; and discuss with fintech and insuretech experts how schemes like this could be scaled and deployed in Africa today.
Fernando Secaira is a specialist in coastal resilience and risk at The Nature Conservancy based in Mexico. He was the lead author of the 2019 TNC report which set out an approach to insuring natural assets; and led the TNC team pioneering the concept in Mexico where the first coral insurance policy paid out in 2020 following hurricane damage to a covered reef in the state of Quintana Roo.
Jeremy Leach, Founder and Executive Director, Inclusivity Solutions, a Cape Town based insuretech company which offers its digital insurance platform, ASPin, supported by Open APIs to enable insurers and distribution partners to get to market fast in Africa
David del Ser, Chair and CIO, BFA Global is Chairman and Chief Innovation Officer at BFA Global. He brings world-class high tech skills in growing areas of BFA Global to expand the company vision. He supports and promotes tech-enablement in the financial sector, and reaches beyond into other tech-related businesses and social investors.