Decide to make a positive impact: free webinar, August 24

positive impact

A useful learning and networking opportunity for anyone interested in ESG: the Decide to make a positive impact free webinar on August 24.

Group Head of Brand and Sustainability at Wipak and Public Speaker Hery Henry will share his Green Behavioral Science method with our audience. His method can help you focus on what matters, and make those tough decisions which ultimately lead to more sustainable business practices.

When you know your goals, there are two things you can do: 1) make sure your footprint is smaller and 2) make you also leave a handprint. What is handprinting you might ask? Dr. Gregory Norris has coined the term Hanprinting, which is the positive impact, opposite to footprint. In the webinar, he will share an introduction to this topic to help you understand how we all can create a net positive impact instead of just a net zero.

What will you learn:

– How Behavioral Science Can Stop Global Warming

– An introduction to Handprinting

– Is it possible to create a handprint which is larger than the footprint, and live with the positive NetEffect of human presence?

If you want more help with your green job search, check out our online course: How to Make a Mid-Career Transition to a Green Job.

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