Saving the energy equivalent of 1500 nuclear plants with green tech: free webinar, October 20

A useful learning and networking opportunity for anyone interested in climate tech: The Saving the energy equivalent of 1500 nuclear plants with green tech free webinar on October 20.

Energy pollution is threatening our climate. From air to water, the impact of a heating planet must be addressed, the roots of humanity and biodiversity are at stake. At the same time we most urgently need to address climate changes, energy needs worldwide are growing.

Innovative technologies can address how to cool electronics without any use of natural resources. If applied at scale, they can reduce, without any pollution, data center energy consumption from 20% to 4%. Saving the energy equivalent of 1500 nuclear plants of the world’s electricity consumption in the process. Join Serge Conesa, Founder & Guardian of Immersion4 Global in this AI for Good perspective interview to learn how green technologies can help address this critical and urgent issue. Not only does this technology support sustainable energy production, localized implementation can ensure security of data, as data sovereignty issues are crucial for every nation in the world.

If you need help on your green job search check out our online course How to Make a Mid-Career Transition to a Green Job and career coaching service: book a free 30 minute discovery chat to learn more 🙂

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