Finding your ‘sustainability and…’

New career insights from GreenBiz:

The sustainability careers marketplace exists in an odd contradiction. Job posting abound, I constantly hear from businesses that they can’t find qualified talent in sustainability. But simultaneously, job seekers interested in sustainability express a frustration that they can’t break into the field, and students coming from degree programs in sustainability often struggle to find positions as they graduate. Similarly, more experienced professionals in other fields who are hoping to pivot into sustainability careers feel rudderless as they try to break into seemingly unfamiliar territory.

What’s the disconnect? After years of navigating my own sustainability career and many conversations with others seeking their own path in the field, I realized that it’s typically insufficient for sustainability career hopefuls to express their interest area as simply “sustainability.” Additionally, it’s hard for potential employers to justify hiring someone who has education in sustainability but doesn’t have exposure to other industries or disciplines. Instead, it’s invaluable to determine a discipline or niche to link to sustainability, or as I call it, your “sustainability and.” Read the full article on GreenBiz.

If you need help on your green job search check out our online course How to Make a Mid-Career Transition to a Green Job and career coaching service: book a free 30 minute discovery chat to learn more 🙂

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