A useful learning and networking opportunity for anyone interested in sustainable production: The Capturing the green value creation opportunity in materials: free webinar on December 13.
Aluminum, steel and plastics account for more than 50% of carbon emission in every-day products like cars, elevators or refrigerators and strong scope 3 emission reduction targets are driving the demand for low-CO2 materials.
Plastic consumers ambitious targets on scope 3 emissions reduction and recycled content, along with regulatory changes drive the plastic industry decarbonization. Premia for sustainable polymers will follow and are expected to be significant, as there is a considerable gap in scaling green plastics across the industry.
Please register here for the next Sustainable Materials Hub webinar where we will cover:
- Green value creation opportunity in plastics
- Approach and key success factors to capture the green value creation opportunity in materials.
If you need help on your green job search check out our online course How to Make a Mid-Career Transition to a Green Job and career coaching service: book a free 30 minute discovery chat to learn more 🙂